RS250 / RGV # Der Kit - Teile Thread

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    Original von walter
    das prospekt umfaßt 7 seiten! aufgelistet mit allen teilen und teilenummern

    Wo ist denn das Kit-Getriebe?

  • Und was ist dann mit dieser Aussage:

    So, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
    In 1988 Suzuki made the VJ21 RGV250 with a Wet clutch and std wide ratio gearbox. However, soon after Suzuki were kind enough to provide a 'Kit' of part to convert the gearbox to close ratio. This was for VJ21 wet clutch. Suzuki then released a VJ21 SP with a wet clutch close ratio for Japanese home market.
    Suzuki then released the VJ22, with wet clutch wide ratio standard. An VJ22 F3 kit magnesium dry clutch and CR gearbox soon appeared for proddy racing.
    For the Japanese home market, the VJ22 RGV250SP with dry clutch and CR box, then VJ22 RGV250SPII with alloy dry clutch and wide box were also released.


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    Original von Saurierknochennager

    So langsam blicke ich bei den ganzen Getriebeinformationen nicht mehr durch... :nixweiss: