ne die vom Dent sind das nicht, jollys und jl´s auch nicht

schöne Spondon
hah, weder noch, hab' ihm vorhin geschrieben:
Hi Carsten,
The pipes were made by a local pipe shop called Power Pros. The make alot of dirtbike pipes for other suppliers FMF, Big Guns, ECT. They made pipes for guys here in the US that raced gammas back in the day and had a spec for my pipes. I love how they work. Only $900.00 USD without the stingers.
The clutch is a Dyson unit. Complete Dyson/Nova tranny and dry clutch unit. Its the original clutch from Dyson stock and new Mark Dent supplied tranny. I bought the clutch about five years ago. L8R MarkCarsten wrote:
Hi Mark,
in the German 2-stroke forum it is asked, who made the pipes of your
LuckyStrike?And for me it would be interesting, what dry clutch is it and what year
was it manufactured? Using Nova tranny also?Have a nice week
Carsten (Aachen - Germany) -
und noch was Richtung Nager:
Hey Carsten,
Is this frame for the Gamma? I am looking for one for the RZ500 and thought maybe a chance that this one would work. Thanks MarkCarsten wrote:
Hi all,
someone searching for a Spondon frame incl. swingarm?
At Spondon you hae to wait min. 3 months and would pay 6000Euros.
A german guy is selling for max. 3300 Euros.
You'll get contact from me, if you' are interested.
Also available, a brand new WP fork, still dry!Cheers
Carsten (Aachen - Germany)