das ist für mich eindeutig klar
looking for rg 500
Vous commencez à nous gonfler les burnes..!!!
Das ist Hochdeutsch, können die Bayern wohl nicht lesen nixweiss
comon lads. English please
Hatte Zündaussetzer kopfklatsch
english please.thanks
Arnaud is Aussengeländer cant speak Englisch only France :biggrin:
Original von twostrokenolimit
ne brini hrvatski ti je ok.
ako ti je engleski laksi mozemo na engleskom...well, what about...
ZitatOriginal von twostrokenolimit
English please -
sorry for language.
man is born in germany(croatian roots) and i am from croatia.which kind of motorbike you have
Original von gammamaniac
@ Carsten:
Hi, das is doch Waldo´s Gamma, oder?
MarkusHi Markus,
Waldo's you can find here attached.
Funny as is, a few days ago someone on the int. rg500 mailinglist asked about the solo seat and I first thought, looks near Waldo's rgb500 one and also kind of his style. So I would have voted for a dutch one. Then, there was sent a link with the offer of the whole bike in the Nehterlands ... , so my imagination was not that bad :-) ...Cheers
Carsten (Aachen - Germany)P.S.:
Have you heard of Uli the last month's? Today I realized that the gallery with the photos of WGM2005 disappeared on his page and also from Paul Snowsi.
I wrote both of them an e-mail about it ... -
Au weia