looking for rg 500

  • Zitat

    Original von twostrokenolimit
    ne brini hrvatski ti je ok.
    ako ti je engleski laksi mozemo na engleskom

    ...well, what about...


    Original von twostrokenolimit
    English please

  • Zitat

    Original von gammamaniac
    @ Carsten:
    Hi, das is doch Waldo´s Gamma, oder?

    Hi Markus,

    Waldo's you can find here attached.
    Funny as is, a few days ago someone on the int. rg500 mailinglist asked about the solo seat and I first thought, looks near Waldo's rgb500 one and also kind of his style. So I would have voted for a dutch one. Then, there was sent a link with the offer of the whole bike in the Nehterlands ... , so my imagination was not that bad :-) ...

    Carsten (Aachen - Germany)

    Have you heard of Uli the last month's? Today I realized that the gallery with the photos of WGM2005 disappeared on his page and also from Paul Snowsi.
    I wrote both of them an e-mail about it ...


    Hallo, ich bekomm‘ einmal BeschleunigungsÄNDERUNG bitte. 4-Takt? Nö, is‘ mir zu fett. Lieber da, den schön mageren 2-Takter mit Biss. Zum Mitnehmen? Ja bitte. Tüte? Och,'geht auch ohne gut. Dann noch von den dicken Birnen dort. Das war alles? Joh, reicht wohl für's Erste. :face_with_tongue:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Carsten (Aachen-germany) ()